Demo lesson, Paks

I was in Paks on 23rd April doing a demonstration lesson from Headway Fourth Edition with a group of students from the Vak Bottyán Gimnázium. Being watched by others while you teach a lesson to students you’ve never met before is not exactly easy, but it’s certainly exciting!

The lesson was from the Intermediate level of the series and I used some of the materials on the iTutor to put together a lesson on multiculturalism and familes of mixed heritage.

Headway Fourth edition


We began with a quiz. Some of the questions were pretty tricky…



Answer at the end!



Others were a bit easier…


Answer at the end!


We then did the Listening and Speaking task ‘A world in one family’ from Unit 1, which introduces a family of mixed heritage and discusses some of the pros and cons of growing up in such a family. We then moved on to take a quick look at one section of the video from the iTutor which showcases another multicultural family.

It’s a fascinating topic, and one of special interest to me, as my own family situation is quite similar to those we heard.





To acknowledge this, I brought along a short video of an interview with my younger daughter that I had filmed a few days previously. I think the students and the teachers really enjoyed hearing her talk about what it’s like to have a Hungarian mum and an English dad. She reckons it’s “cool” 🙂

The lesson really served to highlight the important role language plays in cementing relationships and bringing people together. One of the best reasons for learning English is to bring yourself closer together to others around the world. To finish off, we watched Do You Speak English? a short sketch from the BBC’s Big Train which looks playfully at the problems face by non-speakers of English in the modern world. Here’s a link to download it – or just google it.

Do You Speak English_ – Big Train – BBC comedy








Quiz answers:




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